At long last, here it is. Imbued with a character of supreme Coffination, this thing is rock-ready and good to go. Hand crafted entirely by yours truly, this guitar is the natural finish, one-piece swamp ash body twin to the first Coffin (made of African mahogany).
Specs: swamp ash body and neck, Indian rosewood fingerboard, African mahogany head cap, Jescar evo gold fretwire, Gotoh tuners, tremolo bridge and miscellaneous other hardware, DiMarzio D sonic humbucker in the bridge position with push-pull switch for coil-tap, Reverend USA P-90 (neck)
Finish: Epoxy pore fill, shellac build coats, satin nitrocellulose lacquer on body and back of neck, high gloss buffed lacquer on headstock.
Come see the dual Coffin attack tomorrow night, Friday the 13th, when Rust plays Ash St Saloon, 9:30 pm.