Tuesday, July 28, 2009

My Own Coffin

Ah, a fitting title for a lutherie project. If the wood dust doesn't kill you, the time it takes to build a guitar just might. Like many weirdo semi-artist types, I have to be creative when the urge strikes, no matter how hard I beat myself up or try to adopt a daily work routine. I have a full time job for that. Excuses aside, as the temperatures climb into the hundreds outside, I'm spending some time in the cool basement, carving up the neck for the second Rogers Coffin guitar. The first one went to a shredding player who is quite happy with it - see previous posts. The headstock on this Coffin has the tuning machines on the bass side, a mirror image of the previous guitar. When using templates for routing headstock shapes and drilling tuner holes, it's easy to flip the template over for the mirror image design. And now, back to work.

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